Rabu, 29 September 2010

microGREENFUND: "How it works @DarmawanConsulting". "THE PLATFORM".

Darmawan Consulting "micro GREENFUND"  mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty and environment friendly related investments.
"The Platform" empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the INDONESIA. By combining microfinance, Green Economy and the internet, microGREENFUND is creating a  community of people connected through lending.

Our future BETA website is an open platform where communication can flow freely around the network members.

Have a better way to illustrate How Our microGREENFUND Works?

Have feedback on the process? We want to hear your comments! So, please CONTACT US!

Here are some alternatives to support our microGREENFUND!

Legal and institutional reforms can create incentives for microfinance by improving the operating environment for both microfinance providers and their clients. For example, streamlining micro-enterprise registration, abolishing caps on interest rates, loosening regulations governing non-mortgage collateral, strengthening the judicial system, and reducing the cost and time of property and asset registration can foster a supportive climate for microfinance."

Non-financial services range from literacy classes and community development to market-based business-development services. While non-financial services should be provided by separate institutional providers, there are clear, complementary links with the demand for and impact of microcredit. For example, improved access to market opportunities stimulates - and depends on - securing credit to cover the costs (product design, transport, etc.) of taking advantage of those opportunities.

Investments in infrastructure, such as roads, communications, and education, provide a foundation for economic activities. Community-level investments in commercial or productive infrastructure (such as market centers or small-scale irrigation schemes) also facilitate business activity.
Employment programs prepare the poor for self-employment. Food-for-work programs and public works projects fit this model. In many cases, these programs may be out of reach for cash-strapped local governments but within the purview of donors.

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