Senin, 29 November 2010

Capture Your Green Share

 Green Economy Solutions:
Building the Green Future of Businesses, Nonprofits and Communities

First movers and early adopters will capture a larger share of the green marketplace.

We at Darmawan Consulting believe that there are significant opportunities for businesses, nonprofits and governments. The benefits will only be awarded to those who understand the green marketplace, what funding sources are available and where their niche or competitive advantage exists.

Darmawan’s multi-disciplinary approach and unique public and private sector perspective allow us to help our clients successfully navigate this emerging and ever-changing environment.

The Darmawan team works with a range of clients including: companies, nonprofits, associations, universities and governments every day to navigate the green marketplace.

Darmawan designs sustainable development strategies, create groundbreaking public policy and seeks sources of non-dilutive funding from national government, provincial and local governments to support our partners.

Darmawan professionals are entrepreneurs by nature and bring creativity and passion to work with your organization.
Darmawan is on the front lines – creating revolutionary public-private partnerships, innovative public policy and successful funding strategies for clients and its partners through a joint venture companies or a joint co-operation programme.

Darmawan assists and helps clients by:

Designing creative and attainable, place-based green economic development strategies
Evaluating how specifi c organizations and strategies fi t into the regional green economy
Assessing and aligning key assets for green funding opportunities
     strategic plans
Incorporating and leveraging sustainable best practices as part of comprehensive
Creating public-private partnerships to support green economic development
     green communities
Building relationships between traditional business and the for profit and nonprofit
Utilizing grassroots lobbying techniques to elevate clients’ issues

Darmawan is a trusted advisor having worked on a variety of green economy
projects including:

Green Jobs Collaboratives
Clean and Alternative Energy
Real Estate Developers
Advanced Manufacturers
State and Local Governments
UniversitiesNonprofit Organizations

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Indonesia is the Next Hot Private Equity Investment Destination



The rapid growth of the Indonesian economy has created opportunities for foreign investment, recorded at Rp35.4 trillion or US$3.8 billion across 424 projects, according to BKPM, the government’s investment agency. The Chairman of BKPM, Gita Wirjawan, will be speaking at the Private Equity Indonesia Summit 2010 on the 12th of October in Jakarta, an event organized by IQPC Worldwide, a global research and conference organizer.

The attraction of investment, according to one speaker at the summit Sandiaga S. Uno, Founding Partner of Saratoga Capital, comes from the fact that Indonesia is experiencing a demographic dividend phase. “The productive-age population bulges while the dependency ratio declines. This is a golden period for the country’s economic development and will ensure growth in domestic demand”. Socrates Rudy, director of PT ATPK Resources Tbk, further compared Indonesia’s offer in comparison to China and India: “Indonesia has a lower price-earnings ratio in most sectors compared to Shanghai and Mumbai, which definitely offers a better investment exit strategy for private equity.”

When asked about hot areas of investments, a number of analysts have recommended M&A deals in the retail and pharmaceutical sectors to be the most promising, though core interests remain in energy, mining, infrastructure and communications.

To foreign investors entering the Indonesian market, Sandiaga observed that “larger private equity firms are generally more interested in large-sized deals and less attracted by mid-sized ones. These deals play right into the hands of the middle-market players who are mostly domestic.” He further suggested private equity investors need to be “close to the ground to understand market trends and spot rising stars in the consumer goods sector” in order to take full advantage of the investment opportunities Indonesia has to offer.

Apart from Sandiaga S. Uno and Socrates Rudy, more than 50 private equity LPs and GPs will be in Jakarta on the 12th and 13th of October at the Private Equity Indonesia Summit 2010 to discuss the investment opportunities in this market.


Jumat, 19 November 2010

Darmawan Consulting Green Hedge Fund

What is Green Hedge Fund?

Share your toughts and comments with us?

Darmawan Consulting will launch its own Green Hedge Fund in 2011, Breed with future technologies, fashioned for Web 2.0 and Hedge Fund 3.0 modelled. How Green it should be? feel free to share with us!

Warning Global Warming - Pemanasan Global!


Pemanasan global

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Pemanasan global atau Global Warming adalah adanya proses peningkatan suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan daratan Bumi.
Suhu rata-rata global pada permukaan Bumi telah meningkat 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) selama seratus tahun terakhir. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) menyimpulkan bahwa, "sebagian besar peningkatan suhu rata-rata global sejak pertengahan abad ke-20 kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh meningkatnya konsentrasi gas-gas rumah kaca akibat aktivitas manusia"[1] melalui efek rumah kaca. Kesimpulan dasar ini telah dikemukakan oleh setidaknya 30 badan ilmiah dan akademik, termasuk semua akademi sains nasional dari negara-negara G8. Akan tetapi, masih terdapat beberapa ilmuwan yang tidak setuju dengan beberapa kesimpulan yang dikemukakan IPCC tersebut.
Model iklim yang dijadikan acuan oleh projek IPCC menunjukkan suhu permukaan global akan meningkat 1.1 hingga 6.4 °C (2.0 hingga 11.5 °F) antara tahun 1990 dan 2100.[1] Perbedaan angka perkiraan itu disebabkan oleh penggunaan skenario-skenario berbeda mengenai emisi gas-gas rumah kaca di masa mendatang, serta model-model sensitivitas iklim yang berbeda. Walaupun sebagian besar penelitian terfokus pada periode hingga 2100, pemanasan dan kenaikan muka air lautdiperkirakan akan terus berlanjut selama lebih dari seribu tahun walaupun tingkat emisi gas rumah kaca telah stabil.[1] Ini mencerminkan besarnya kapasitas panas dari lautan.
Meningkatnya suhu global diperkirakan akan menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan yang lain seperti naiknya permukaan air laut, meningkatnya intensitas fenomena cuaca yang ekstrim,[2] serta perubahan jumlah dan pola presipitasi. Akibat-akibat pemanasan global yang lain adalah terpengaruhnya hasil pertanian, hilangnya gletser, dan punahnya berbagai jenis hewan.
Beberapa hal-hal yang masih diragukan para ilmuwan adalah mengenai jumlah pemanasan yang diperkirakan akan terjadi di masa depan, dan bagaimana pemanasan serta perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi tersebut akan bervariasi dari satu daerah ke daerah yang lain. Hingga saat ini masih terjadi perdebatan politik dan publik di dunia mengenai apa, jika ada, tindakan yang harus dilakukan untuk mengurangi atau membalikkan pemanasan lebih lanjut atau untuk beradaptasi terhadap konsekuensi-konsekuensi yang ada. Sebagian besar pemerintahan negara-negara di dunia telah menandatangani dan meratifikasi Protokol Kyoto, yang mengarah pada pengurangan emisi gas-gas rumah kaca.

Daftar isi

How to Start Green Business!

How to Start a Green Business

Glad you asked...
It is easy to start a green business. You can start by using energy efficient light bulbs or by planting trees. Also you can do car pooling to be considered a green business. Just simply be energy efficient and clean.

Go green by:

1. Turning off equipment when it's not being used. This can reduce the energy used by 25 percent; turning off the computers at the end of the day can save an additional 50 percent.
2. Encouraging communications by email, and reading email messages onscreen to determine whether it's necessary to print them. If it's not, don't!
3. Reducing fax-related paper waste by using a fax-modem and by using a fax cover sheet only when necessary. Fax-modems allow documents to be sent directly from a computer, without requiring a printed hard copy.
4. Producing double-sided documents whenever possible.
5. Not leaving taps dripping; always close them tightly after use. (One drop wasted per second wastes 10,000 litres per year.)
6. Installing displacement toilet dams in toilet reservoirs. Placing one or two plastic containers filled with stones (not bricks) in the toilet's reservoir will displace about 4 litres of water per flush - a huge reduction of water use over the course of a year.
7. Finding a supply of paper with maximum available recycled content.
8. Choosing suppliers who take back packaging for reuse.
9. Instigating an ongoing search for "greener" products and services in the local community. The further your supplies or service providers have to travel, the more energy will be used to get them to you.
10. Before deciding whether you need to purchase new office furniture, see if your existing office furniture can be refurbished. It's less expensive than buying new and better for the environment.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Green Ambassador

 "We're very happy to be able to bring GoToGreen to Jakarta! Thank you for your wonderful Green efforts there. You are an ambassador of the planet! :)". Jessica PELTZ. Founder

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Friday: Casual day(batik's day for us in Jakarta) and Cars FREE day!@Darmawan Consulting

Casual Friday: Batik's day for us here in Jakarta. And Cars FREE day! at least try to use less fossile burning devices extremely! SUPPORT OUR GREEN OFFICE CULTURE!

Kamis, 11 November 2010

VueGreen, VertAccess et GreenCredire! Selected Green Investments Products and Services from Our European Office.

VueGreen, VertAccess et GreenCredire!
Products and services from our Europe Office in Brussels. (in French., English version may be requested by sending email to

1. Le but du service est de donner une vision économique détaillée et concrète, susceptible d’être utilisée directement dans les prises de décision.
Le service, intitulé « VueGreen » en partenariat avec nos associes en asie du sud-est, Indonesie, dirige par Monsieur David Darmawan a Jakarta, comprend 2 produits:

= Le document livre intitulé « Scénario économique – conjonctures et structures » qui fait le point sur l’évolution économique des principales zones dont le fond va investir! et est assorti ponctuellement d’analyses plus structurelles éclairant les mouvements en cours. Il présente également les conclusions des divers scénarios économiques des grands cabinets économiques à travers le monde, tels qu’ils sont publiés et structurees par nos recherches devient un « Consensus Forecast », et en fait une analyse critique dans la domaine de l'economie basee sur le developpement durable, la preservation ecologiques tous ca pour creer une entreprise socialement durable et ecologique.

2. <<VertAccess>> Un accès à des informations réservées aux clients sur le site Internet.

=Suivant les accords, nous proposons des entretiens téléphoniques et des courriers électroniques spécifiques, tableaux de bord, interventions thématiques...

3. GreenCredire Depuis 2009, l'équipe dispose d’outils d’analyse des risques sur les contreparties de banques (banques belges, françaises et étrangères, corporates) afin d’améliorer les décisions en termes de limite de crédit ou des investissement dans la domaine des investissement vert (Green Investment). Cette prestation comprend un document semestriel complet comprenant l’ensemble des données quantitatives et qualitatives d’analyse, une mise à jour trimestrielle formalisée et un suivi ponctuel plus réactif si besoin est.

English Version is still Under Construction!

David Gaspard
Darmawan Consulting Associate, Europe Office in Brussels.
14, rue des emerillons
1170 Bruxelles-BELGIQUE.

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Sistim Manajemen Bencana Terpadu berbasis web. (Web based Disaster Management Software)

Sistem Manajemen Bencana Terpadu yang berbasis Web untuk persiapan dan pelaksanaan Manajemen Bencana dini! Open source (dapat di unduh secara gratis melalui situs ).



Mission Vision and Objectives

The Mission of the Sahana Software Foundation is to help alleviate human suffering by giving emergency managers, disaster response professionals and communities access to the information that they need to better prepare for and respond to disasters through the development and promotion of free and open source software and open standards.
The Sahana Software Foundation was established in 2009 as a non-profit organization to serve the needs and requirements of a diverse group of customers:
  • Government agencies and jurisdictions at the national, provincial or state, and local levels
  • UN Agencies, international and local charitable organizations (NGOs)
  • Communities & disaster victims
  • Technology companies & software developers
Our Vision is to build and sustain a global open and collaborative community of contributors to information and communications technologies for disaster management, in order to:
  • Support the needs of Sahana customers through promoting and developing innovative open source solutions for disaster information management
  • Support the adoption of open standards for data exchange between information systems to manage disaster data.
In order to fulfill its mission and vision, the following Objectives guide Foundation activities:
  • Help alleviate human suffering and help save lives through the efficient and effective use of technology after a disaster
  • Bring efficiencies to disaster response coordination through facilitating effective information sharing between disaster responders and beneficiaries
  • Empower disaster victims and responders by providing them with the information they need to help themselves and others
  • Build resilience and preparedness through training, education and the deployment of systems for managing disaster information in advance of a disaster.
  • Provide a nurturing environment for community development of humanitarian free and open source software applications that support all four phases of emergency management
Please visit the Foundation wiki for more information about the Sahana Software Foundation organization, governance, board, members, licenses and projects.
Please visit our About Sahana page for more information about the history and capabilities of Sahana software