Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Course on Climate Change Investments by David Darmawan at IDS Jakarta, Indonesia.

2 komentar:

  1. Assalamu Alaikum ..... post. quite helpful and we should encourage activity for the sake of green Indonesia anticipates that climate change has become a fact with the occurrence of natural disasters, crop failure. All this resulted to the people, the people so poor, miserable, certainly not stable economy .... The government should look at this condition and not allowed. must stop immediately this will climate change (stop global warming). Yes premises road, we must return to nature, friendly nature ... for Allah's wrath was not against his servant ... Amen.

    Greetings Greens always .... Go Clean and Green Indonesia

  2. wah menarik sekali tuh programnya, kami juga punya program yang sama tetapi untuk pelestari biodiversity, lihat di
