Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

End of Year Message.

End of Year Message.
Since my last posting I've had my mind elsewhere. I have spend alot of time at my parents house in Bekasi, and busy with my new offices set up in the center of our capital city. Recovering from my father illness and my brother new born son at his house in the eastern suburb of Jakarta. Now that I have caught up on some of my work on Green Funding, I thought I'd share some ideas on end of year reflection.
To me the end of each year brings another birthday, end of year spending decisions, budgeting for the next year and reflections on my life which culminate in resetting short term goals. My goals always consist of personal, family, business and "Big" idea goals. This year I met all of my short term goals despite a 2007,2008,2009, filled with personal and professional challenges. On balance, I maintained focus and with the help of family, friends and business associates, I learned alot about myself and will use the lessons learned in 2007 and past years to be a better person in years to come.
I look forward to 2011 with renewed energy and enthusiasm despite the doom and gloom portrayed by the current images of Our Society, especially in Indonesia. As individuals and businesses living in a free society, we own such a small slice of life, that each of us has such an opportunity to make a difference, albeit small. So, if I can have one wish for my family and yours, it is that 2011 be filled with much health and accomplishment towards a life filled with happiness and success.
David Darmawan,
Chief Executive Officer
DARMAWAN CAPITAL (Indonesian First Green Hedge Fund, General Partner), In Organization).

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